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PREAMBLE: Under Article I, section two, of the Student Government Association (SGA) Constitution, the following organization is hereby granted approval to function as a student organization for the best interest of the University community. It is the duty of this student organization to follow the Student Government Association’s Constitution and Policy Series. A club or organization will be defined as non-exclusive in its membership and actions by “ extending equal opportunity to all qualified individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, marital or veteran status (characteristics collectively referred to as ‘Protective Characteristic’) in employment and in the conduct and operation of Hofstra University’s Educational programs and activities.


Article 1. Name

  1. The name of the organization shall be Hofstra Live Action Adventures.

  2. The organization shall be referred to colloquially as HLAA.


Article 2. Purpose

  1. The purpose of the organization is to provide safe, engaging, outdoor play for all Hofstra students for the means of exercise, socialization and enjoyment. The organization will have an emphasis on types of play that incorporate a roleplaying element. These activities include, but are not limited to: Humans Versus Zombies, the Amazing Race, and Live Action Roleplay.


Article 3. Advisors

  1. The Administrative Advisor for the organization shall be assigned appropriately from the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement.

  2. The Content Advisor for this organization shall be a non-student Hofstra University Employee.

    1. The Content Advisor shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active members of this Organization.

  3. The duties of any advisor shall be the following:

    1. Mentor and advise the organization on how to best fulfill its purpose.

    2. Hold members and officers of this organization accountable.

    3. Provide structure and serve as a resource for all the eboard.


Article 4. Membership

  1. Any Full-time Undergraduate Student of Hofstra University may become a member.

  2. Members shall be recognized as “active” after attending two (2) meetings (including the General Meetings and the Safety Meetings (See Article 8)).

  3. In order to maintain active membership, members shall attend at least one (1) meeting per semester, or shall attend two (2) gameplay events.

  4. Only active members may vote in elections or run for Executive Board (henceforth referred to as Eboard) or General Board positions.


Article 5. Expectations of Members

  1. Members and their guests are expected to respect the property and integrity of Hofstra University and Hofstra Live Action Adventures, and that of students and other members of the organization.

  2. Members and their guests are expected to follow any rules set forth by the University, and to follow any rules set by the Eboard or Moderators during Gameplay.

    1. Any members found to purposely damage property, disobey rules, act in a manner against the organization’s principles, or otherwise represent a significant danger to other students or members of the organization may be asked to leave, without notice, any event, and may be barred from future meetings as determined by the Eboard or Moderators.

  3. The Eboard, by majority vote, reserves the right to place any member under probation from organization related events.

    1. The member shall continue under probation until such time as the member in question demonstrates an understanding of organization rules and/or safety procedures.

    2. The Secretary shall maintain a record of all complaints and safety violations.

    3. Members under probation are not permitted to accept nominations for eboard positions.

  4. Given good behavior, probations shall be terminated at the beginning of each semester.  If issues continue, active membership may be revoked by a unanimous eboard vote.

    1. If an active membership is revoked, the member shall be unable to regain active membership in future semesters, and shall be barred from participating in events, attending meetings, and voting in elections.  Any such member may have their active status reinstated after another unanimous vote of the eboard.


Article 6a. Duties of Officers

  1. The officers of Hofstra Live Action Adventures consist of an Executive Board (Eboard) chosen by popular vote, and a General Board chosen by interview (See Article 6b.(ii).), including one to four (1-4) Moderators.

  2. The Eboard officer positions last for one (1) whole academic year and are re-elected at the end of each Spring Semester.

  3. General Board positions are chosen via interview and selected by their overseeing Eboard officer, and are reselected at the beginning of each semester, or when a vacancy needs to be filled.

    1. An overseeing officer may choose to not select any member for a General Board position. If an overseeing officer chooses not to fill a position, they shall assume the responsibilities of that position.

    2. If the overseeing officer finds the member to not be fulfilling their duties, or guilty of misconduct, they may remove the member from that position, and immediately assume the responsibilities of that position.

    3. All General Board positions are expected to have the same level of professionalism as Eboard members as they also represent the club, and are expected to maintain the same levels of event attendance as Eboard members.

  4. When performing actions and conducting duties for the organization, officers shall appraise other Eboard members of their planned course of actions as well as contact the appropriate officer to prevent mismanagement and miscommunication.  


6a.(I).Executive Board Positions and Duties:

A. President

  1. Preside at meetings of the organization and of the Eboard.

  2. Oversee all organization activities.

  3. Provide oversight over other Eboard members and assist in duties when needed.

  4. Act as final overview and approval of all Eboard decisions.

  5. Submit paperwork on behalf of the organization, such as room reservations for events.

  6. Represent the organization where such representation is required, requested, or deemed appropriate.

  7. Delegate all duties not specifically vested in any other officer of the organization.

  8. Update Get Involved HU by ensuring that the member roster is active and complete by updating adviser information.

  9. Communicate with the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement and the Office of Public Safety for game organization.


B. Head Moderator

  1. Regularly check in and update the President.

  2. Choose and organize the other Moderators (See Article 6b.(II).).

  3. Act as liaison between the Executive Board and the Moderators.

  4. Organize, design, and oversee all gameplay.

  5. Organize and preside over “Safety meetings” before Big Game (See Article 10).

  6. Ensure safety of players during Gameplay.

  7. Enforce rules of play.

  8. Ensure all facets of Gameplay are in compliance with Public Safety and OSLE.


C. Vice President

  1. Regularly check in and update the President.

  2. Temporarily assume the duties of the President in the event of a resignation, removal of the President, or in the event that the President is unable, for any reason, to fulfill his/her duties.

  3. In the event that a any other Eboard member is unable to fulfill his/her duties, act as a officer until a new one is elected. (See Article 6b.(I).).

  4. Oversee planning and execution of Zombie Ball and Humans Versus Zombies Invitational (See Article 10).

  5. Provide secondary oversight over Treasurer and Public Relations Officer and assist in duties when needed.


D. Treasurer

  1. Regularly check in and update the Vice President.

  2. Meet with the Student Government Association Internal Review and Control Board when deemed so necessary by the Internal Review and Control Board.

  3. Keep track of all records concerning organization funds.

  4. Attend Appropriations Committee meetings when necessary.

  5. Maintain and take inventory of organization storage and property (See Article 9).

  6. Select and manage Philanthropy Chair (See Article 6b.(II).).


E. Public Relations Officer

  1. Regularly check in and update the Vice President.

  2. Advertise internally and externally in all ways possible and approved by the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement.

  3. Create or oversee creation of all posters, videos and other advertising media.

  4. Select and Manage Film Chair and Social Media Chair (See Article 6b.(II).).


F. Secretary

  1. Regularly check in and update the President.

  2. Maintain a list of dates for all impending deadlines for paperwork and events and send reminders to other members of the Eboard.

  3. Take minutes of all meetings.

  4. Keep track of all paperwork produced by the Executive Board and aid President in submissions.

  5. Handle all outgoing and incoming emails on the organization’s account.

  6. Maintain a list of all complaints lodged against organization members (See Article 5).



6a.(II).General Board Positions and Duties:

A. Social Media Chair

  1. Respond directly to the Public Relations Officer.

  2. Maintain Facebook pages and groups and post on behalf of the Eboard, when requested.

  3. Manage all online advertising, including those for Zombie Ball, Invitational, and the Big Game (See Article 10).

  4. Manage all social media accounts, and maintain up-to-date records of login information, including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Tumblr.

  5. Create and post content for social media, such as Wasteland Wednesday.


B. Film Chair

  1. Respond directly to the Public Relations Officer.

  2. Perform or oversee creation and editing of all digital video content, including, but not limited to, “Meet the Mods” videos and Big Game (See Article 10) teasers and trailers.


C. Philanthropy Chair

  1. Respond directly to the Treasurer.

  2. Oversee and plan current philanthropy events including Spooky Fest and Relay for Life.

  3. Plan new philanthropic fundraisers and events.

  4. Maintain records of funds used for philanthropy.


D. Moderator (1-4)

  1. Respond directly to Head Moderator.

  2. Assist in organization and design of gameplay.

  3. Ensure safety of players during gameplay.

  4. Enforce rules of play.


Article 6b. Elections

6b.(I). Election procedure for Eboard positions:

  1. Elections shall be held before the culmination of the spring semester.

  2. A representative of the Student Government Association shall be present in order
    for the election proceedings to occur.

  3. The presiding officer shall take nominations from the floor. Any active member may nominate any eligible active member for any office. A member may nominate themselves, but each nomination shall be seconded by a member other than the one who made the nomination or who is the nominated member.

    1. Any member has the right to refuse a nomination.

    2. Current Eboard members may not make nominations, but may second any nominations made by other members.

    3. Only members who have spent at least one semester on Eboard or General Board may be nominated for the position of President.

    4. In the case that no member of Eboard or General Board can or wishes to accept a nomination for the Presidency, nominations will be opened to all active members.

  4. There shall be a closed ballot and election shall be constituted by the largest percentage of votes.

  5. In the event of a tie, the two (2) individuals with the highest number of votes shall participate in a run­off election.

  6. All ballots shall be cast in person. No voting by proxy shall be permitted at any election.

  7. If a nominee is unable to attend in person, they may submit an acceptance of the nomination prior to the election, a written or recorded copy of their speech, or attend virtually.

  8. The order of voting shall start with the President. After the President is elected, the Head Moderator is elected, followed by the Vice President, then followed by the Treasurer, and so forth. Members may be nominated for any number of positions, but shall be removed from the running if elected to a position higher in the order.

  9. Elected officials shall take office immediately following the meeting in which the election is held.


6b.(II). Selection of General Board

  1. Before selecting any member for a position on the General Board, the overseeing officer is required to hold interviews for that position.

    1. The date and time of the interviews shall be announced publicly to organization members at least one (1) week in advance.

    2. All Eboard members are encouraged to sit in on the interviews, and shall be given the chance to voice their opinions on candidates.

    3. The content of the interviews shall be determined by the overseeing officer and shall be approved by the President.

  2. In the case of the position of Moderator, the Head Moderator is required to have at least one Moderator Interview Event.

    1. At the event, Moderator candidates shall perform group and/or individual interviews to demonstrate necessary qualifications.

    2. Members are required to have participated in at least one Big Game (See Article 10) to be qualified for the position of Moderator.

  3. No member may be selected to serve on the General Board without attending an interview.


6b.(III). Procedure in the event of resignation, removal, or vacancy:

  1. Any vacancy in the Presidency shall result in the temporary succession of the Vice President to the Presidency until a Special Election can be held.

  2. Special Elections may be held at any point in the semester whenever a resignation, removal, or vacancy occurs, within one month of the position becoming vacant.

    1. Special Elections shall be announced to organization members at least one (1) week in advance.


Article 7. Removal of Officers

  1. If it is determined that an officer is not fulfilling the duties of his/ her position, or is violating the rules and procedures of the organization, she/he shall be removed in the following manner:

    1. Concerned members shall collect ten (10) signatures to bring charges against the member or officer.

    2. Concerned members shall send a letter to the officer, notifying him or her of the date of the impeachment vote.

    3. Concerned members shall present their findings to the organization.

    4. The officer shall have a chance to rebut the charges.

    5. After all procedures have been carried out, a two-­thirds (â…”) vote of all the active members attending and not in abstention is required to remove the member or officer.

  2. A member of Student Government Association’s Rules Committee shall be present for impeachment proceedings to occur.


Article 8. Meetings

  1. General Meetings shall be held at least twice per month (2 times) while classes are in session. The exact time and date shall be determined by a common agreement of the Eboard.

  2. At least three (3) additional meetings, known as “Safety Meetings” shall be held the week before the “Big Game” (See Article 10) to explain rules of play in full detail, presided over by the Head Moderator.

  3. If one-­third (â…“) of the organization’s active members present a petition in writing to the President, she or he is required to call a special meeting within forty­ eight (48) hours.

    1. During a special meeting, no removal of officers shall take place.

  4. A majority of the active members will be required for any business actions taken at a meeting.

  5. Only active members may be permitted to vote at meetings.


Article 9. Inventory

  1. The organization shall maintain its own inventory. This includes, but is not limited to blasters, darts, flags, and props for play.

  2. Blasters may be lent to members or guests in exchange for collateral of equal or greater value. This includes:

    1. ID Cards.

    2. Cash equal to the value of the blaster.

    3. Items and equipment equal to the value of the blaster.


Article 10. Events

  1. All events shall be planned by the Eboard by a unanimous decision.

    1. The Eboard has full discretion as to the dates and times of these events.

  2. Once per semester, Hofstra Live Action Adventures shall host a six-day-long event of Humans Versus Zombies play, known as the “Big Game”.  

    1. No person, member or guest, may participate in the Big Game without attending a Safety Meeting (See Article 8), or having the rules explained in private by an Eboard Member or a Moderator.

  3. Once each academic year, in the Fall Semester, Hofstra Live Action Adventures shall host an event open to all students known as Zombie Ball.

    1. Zombie Ball is a Halloween-themed celebration consisting of musical entertainment, dancing, and free food.

    2. Admission to Zombie Ball shall forever remain free.

  4. Once each academic year, Hofstra Live Action Adventures may host an Invitational of Humans Versus Zombies play, open to students of other schools.

    1. The Invitational shall have at least one Safety Meeting the morning before the event, and no person, member, or guest may participate in the Invitational without attending this Safety Meeting, another designated Safety Meeting for the Invitational (Safety Meetings for the Big Game do not count), or having the rules explained in private by an Eboard Member or a Moderator.

    2. Rather than the Moderators chosen by the Head Moderator for the semester, the Moderators for the Invitational shall consist of the current Eboard, and the last semester’s Moderators, in addition to any others invited to moderate by the Head Moderator.

  5. Additional Friday night and Saturday day events, known respectively as One Nights and Ground Wars, may be held throughout the semester.


Article 11. Fundraising

  1. It shall be the duty of all members and officers to be involved with this organization’s fundraising opportunities.

  2. Members and officers shall never be required to contribute money to fundraisers, however, contributions made by members or officers for the execution of fundraising events shall be allowed.


Article 12. Method of Amendment

  1. Proposed amendments to this Constitution shall be presented to the organization and shall be ratified at a meeting by two-­thirds (â…”) vote of the active members present and voting.

  2. The Rules Committee of the Student Government Association shall approve all amendments.


Article 13. Consent

  1. By attending organization meetings or participating in Gameplay events members agree to the rules and regulations outlined in this document.



Eboard - Refers to the Executive Board of the organization.


Gameplay - Any active play event hosted by the organization.


Humans Versus Zombies - An outdoor game consisting of at least two teams, one of “Humans” that defend themselves using Nerf Blasters and other approved equipment from the second team, the “Zombie Horde”, while attempting to complete Missions designed by the Moderators. Additional Information may be found at

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